sexta-feira, 19 de julho de 2013

The obvious First Chapter. Super Mario Bros. Review.

It's one of my finest memories. I was 8 years old, when I saw, and played, for the very first time, Super Mario Bros. on my TV Screen. I had never seen it anywhere else. I had played Super Mario Land, on the Game Boy, and I knew the drill. But, I met the Mario Brothers, for the very first time, in the living room, big sized, in colors, with no previous contact, not even pictures.

And then I entered a whole new world. The game play of Super Mario Bros. is, still, as smooth as driving a Ferrari. You almost forget you are using a control pad to move Mario or Luigi. The colors, the jumping, the music, the graphics, the animation, everything stunned me. And now, wait... I can jump below these question marks, and I get coins... and... wow, there's a surprise-big-mushroom on this one! Mario becomes a giant! Sweet!

Remember, I was 8 years old. There were only cartoons on saturday morning, in Portuguese TV, and suddenly, I was controling what was happening on the screen.

And now, I get a flower! This guy can shoot, too?!

Star, I become invencible, and Mario is wearing all the colours in the world, changing every half second.

First level, ended. Great scenario. Was ever a better start for a game?

1-2, things change. Now I'm in the underground. It's dark, the music changes. I loose my first one up... I forget there's a world outside the screen, outside the Mushroom Kingdom. I need to beat every level. Not so much because I want to beat the game as soon as possible, but because I want to SEE and PLAY all the levels, explore the Mushroom Kingdom, and kick Bowser's reptilian behind.

Eventually, I see Bowser in 1-4. Adrenalin kicks in. This is better than Sesame Street, that's for sure. The castle's music creates the perfect mood for exploring a castle full of lava, and fire balls. I finally get to the bridge, I jump over the dragon, - first couple of tries, no success... - third one, I jump on the axe, adios Bowser! At this time I know this is not the real Bowser, but it's still a big achievment.

2-2. now, I'm swimming! Yes, you can swim. Game play still smooth. The Super Mario Bros. can jump, shoot, destroy bricks, and swim. We are still talking about a 1985 game. The controls are still so perfect, that, now and then, I just put on the game to go for a drive, so to speak.

3-1. Night. Nice thinking. So easy to do, technically, and yet, someone had to think about it. A slight change of scenario. Excellent. The Hammer brothers do their first appearance on this world. I remember I did not like this gang a little bit, and they would give me a lot of headaches in the final stages of the game. They throw hammers at you, frenetically, and it's very hard to knock them out. They also jump a lot, so, even if you are Fiery Mario (or Fiery Luigi, let's not forget the other brother), you can still miss them. While they probably won't miss you!

But the show must go on!

More castles, there are bullets with eyes and arms coming in your direction. Turtle soldiers, goombas, beetles, carnivore plants, you can explore pipes, some of them give you money, others send you to distant worlds. You can climb up to the sky, get one up's through different mushrooms, become giant, become fiery, you got the whole world in your hands.

The last level presents you a labirynth, inside the final castle. Now, this is it. You have to explore, to beat enemies, to swim, to dodge the final obstacles. Do any of you will ever forget the day you beat Bowser for the first time?

At last, the princess is save. Hey, what is she saying? A new quest?! I'm thrilled, I push start button, again... oh, damn it, it's the same game, with quicker enemies, and without goombas. Besides a couple of levels who are repeated throughout the game, like 1-4 being the same than 6-4, this was the only thing in the game that disappointed me. The japanese got more levels in their Super Mario Bros. 2. In the West, we got other sequel. To be reviewed in another text.

Things would never be the same again. Super Mario Bros. saved, not only the Mushroom Kingdom, but the videogame industry and experience.

Retro Games Reviewer; Super Mario Bros. Review , 19/07/13

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